

The shelter manager, he was born in Edolo on 1979, he grew up in the tourism sector. Son of a Mountain Guide, his childhood dream has always been: to manage a shelter!

20 years of experience in the tourism branch with his own Travel Agency, Davide fulfills his dream after having travelled all around the world, with the Malga official opening in July 2017.


Grown in the Mountain setting, he developed alpine skills for passion, and thanks to his father work. He loves to ski, ski mountaineering, rock and ice climbing, alpinism.


Thanks for his big passion for cooking, he is happy to suggest and offer typical dishes with local products to his guests.

Driven by a strong feeling for the territory where he grew up, Davide is now ready to use his tourism skills he has developed at the shelter, promoting Valcamonica and Adamello’s Park wonders, and the surrounding experiences.



Half Provençal and half Piedmontese, Frédérique worked in Torino in the communication branch, in particular in the tourism sector and then as an event coordinator in Italy and abroad.


Both French and Italian mother tongue, she speaks English and a little bit of Spanish as well.

With a strong feeling for nature developed since her childhood among the Piedmont Alps and the Provençal countryside, she always dreamed her future surrounded by nature.


She met Davide on a business trip to Australia in 2011, in 2016 arrived their first son Mathis and in 2017 she choses to undertake the shelter project, and to completely change her life!

In 2019 during the summer season arrived Hervè, that joined his brother in the shelter experience, both living summers there since they’re newborn.

She succeeds in this new experience using the skills she developed in her past experiences in destinations and territories promotions, event organization and linguistic studies. We can say a dream becoming reality, also for her!



Gian Antonio Moles, known as TONE, he has always fed and grown passion and love for the Mountain.

Born in 1954, became Candidate Guide in 1974, Mountain Guide in 1979 and Mountain Guide’s National Trainer in 1981. Describing himself he prefers to be considered as a Mountain Guide more than a mountaineer, a mountain person with the chance of living the evolution of this wonderful job. The passion for mountaineering comes also by Angiolina, she was already participating to the ‘CAI’ (Italian Alpine Club) hikes, where she bring him, becoming next his wife and mother of Davide, Serena and Manuela. Many years spent in bringing people to the mountains, passing down the passion and his job’s techniques, teaching to apprentices techniques and the shrewdness of this work. In 2008 he became Chairman of the Lombard Committee of Mountain Guides, role that ends with the unexpected arrival of health problems.

The shelter management of his son Davide brought him new emotions and a new way of living the mountain, once more, in a new role.


For the mountain lovers,
2 stories written by TONE: